Other Criminal Charges & Offenses clarification of the provision written in order


I went back on march 3rd was arrested and told it was not because I was at the shared residence. Not because I was within 1000 ft of the protected person at the shared residence. I was told i was arrested because the cars and trucks (6 total 2 of which even run are all parked right up on the house near the entrance and I was within 1000 feet of the vehicles!? Are the vehicles not part of the shared residence ? this is ridiculous !

Screenshot 2024-03-28 205549.png
What provision expired on Feb 29? Show us.

It's been a month since you were arrested. What's happened since then?

What are you asking us?

The sentence with a question mark isn't a question.
The provision in the order that allowed you to be there (the shared residence) expired on 2/29, yet you went here 3 days later. By your own admission, you violated the order.
That could go the other way and mean that the respondent could return after 2/29 because the petitioner was moving out by then.

Both of us are speculating. We don't know what provision the asterisks are referring to.

Note that the order has 9 pages and we are seeing only a small part of Page 4.
Thank you for all the fast response here is the full order the sherriff thaty handed me the order when I first got it old me I could go back on the 1st of march 2024
What provision expired on Feb 29? Show us.

It's been a month since you were arrested. What's happened since then?

What are you asking us?

The sentence with a question mark isn't a question.
I added the whole order in pdf form. I am asking if the vehicles that are there should be part of the shared residence? There is really way more going back to the start and with the response I got so far I am tempted to go into it but it is a lot. I am thankful for the response so far though
That could go the other way and mean that the respondent could return after 2/29 because the petitioner was moving out by then.

Both of us are speculating. We don't know what provision the asterisks are referring to.

Note that the order has 9 pages and we are seeing only a small part of Page 4.
you are right in fact the exact words that the sherriff told me when he handed me the order was " You cant go back to the house until after the 29th"
they have not moved out and aren't really trying to. this is involving two squatters at my grandfathers house that are using this system manipulating it and while I have been they have been stealing everything of value they can.

my goals are to understand the provision and hopefully find that shared residence includes the vehicles ( note the box is not checked indicating exclusive rights to the shared residence) and with confidence in that be able to go back to the residence.

also at the start of all this happening I tried to reach the property manager and power of attorney my aunt to ask them to take care of the drug abuse and theft going on with the other two roomates there. I had fully planned to do exactly what was explained to me that washington state rcw's tell us to do by certified mail using formal requests and notices and this is what happened when I attempted that ( see attached)
my goals are to understand the provision and hopefully find that shared residence includes the vehicles ( note the box is not checked indicating exclusive rights to the shared residence) and with confidence in that be able to go back to the residence.
Under section "D", the order expired on 2/29/2024 as to the shared residence. But the protected person's vehicles are protected beyond that date. So, the question is, are any of the vehicles owned by the protected person? If so, you technically violated the order, in my opinion, because you came within 1,000 feet of the vehicle regardless of where the protected person lived or where the vehicle was.

Of the 6 vehicles, are any owned by you? If so, you should have gotten permission to get it/them from the police. You need to have an attorney because, as I said, you did violate the order and it appears that the protected person has it in for you.

Note to the moderators: The PDFs revile the true identity of the poster and the protected person. The attachments should be deleted and reposted with redactions if the OP chooses.
Under section "D", the order expired on 2/29/2024 as to the shared residence. But the protected person's vehicles are protected beyond that date. So, the question is, are any of the vehicles owned by the protected person? If so, you technically violated the order, in my opinion, because you came within 1,000 feet of the vehicle regardless of where the protected person lived or where the vehicle was.

Of the 6 vehicles, are any owned by you? If so, you should have gotten permission to get it/them from the police. You need to have an attorney because, as I said, you did violate the order and it appears that the protected person has it in for you.

Note to the moderators: The PDFs revile the true identity of the poster and the protected person. The attachments should be deleted and reposted with redactions if the OP chooses.
so I still violated it even though the sherriff told me that i could go back to the house after the 29th

The Vehicles were at the shared residsence and not supposed to be there after feb 29th

the box giving exclusive right s to the residence was not checked and the sherrif handed me the order while telling me I cant go back to the house after feb 29th
Nikyo, I combined several of your posts, removed the order because of identifying information, but kept the full Section D.

Edit: had to delete that two because of the address. Also deleted the copy of the text messages.

Be that as it may, we've all seen enough of them.

I disagree with Zigner.

Welkin raised a good point about the vehicle ownership which you did not answer.

But let's talk about the arrest. You were arrested on March 3.

Let's not rely on anything you were "told" by the sheriff or anybody else because what counts is what you read on official court papers.

Presumably, by now, you have received court papers specifying the charges or allegations that were filed, and hopefully have an attorney.

Meantime, though, post the exact wording of the charges or allegations. There's no way to speculate about a possible defense without seeing the charges.
there are vehicles owned by the protected person at the shared residence that the order expired at on feb 29th 2024. the same residence that does not have the box checked for exclusive rights to the shared residence
i guess I am going to the courts for clarification I really doubt they meant tpo have iot be that the vehicles are supposed to be protected over the person or the address. by the way fyi this is all involving some squatters using the system so they can steal everything they can and have manipulated this situation all through out I. I had my girlfriend dump me after 11 years for a guy she met one night and it crushed me this is right after all this crap happens at my grandfathers house leaving me on the street 4 months now my family! Why aren't they helping ? well because they want my Grandfather in a home he is 90 and wants to live in this home that he built and the family is using this situation as means to keep him from that / us away from each other so I am the scape goat and it all works out great except for i am not giving up and would like to see him have his wishes
so to be honest this is a matter that is much more involved than the charges it all started with me doing the best I could to remove the two awful roomates that had me concerned for my well being and my grandpas I did not make a protection order stick when i went to court after getting the two week temporary on them I am not sure exactly what i did wrong I think I counted on them seeing the dangers of fentanyl use going on because of the, and the fact the ambulance came out two different time due to overdose however under oath the guy lied and said they showed up for testicular cancer which was a lie. during that going on in their response a declaration written by a friend of theirs R.A. ( initials to protect id) wrote in her declaration that she knew me and that I told her I had told her I was using the protection order to evict them when she saw me move their belongings out of the house. which was all a lie never met her ( this is important up ahead )
so fast forward and three days after their return they retaliate and put a temp protection order on me and two other friends who had been staying at the house while I chased my ex girlfriend for answers like an idiot during the two weeks there was a temp protection order on the two roomates from hades. in this retaliation this r.a.. lady was all involved in it with more declarations and the other lady in the order i sent you so far was the only one who file for a protection order at that time. However R.A. who went on and on smearing my name who she had never met as well as other family members in a motion to file on behalf of my grandfather for vulnerable adult. my whole family showed up and while at the zoom hearing she never showed up I heard later because she didnt think my family would be there they were though so they all testified they do not know her never met her she claimed otherwise in her declaration and has history of trying to declare elderly who she doesn't know is unfit and use that in to manipulate deeds to properties and has I heard succeeded before i have a witness who was my neighbor that ra tried to do this to here and halfway succeeded because she managed to get them kicked out of her home through slander and calling the city and landlord of my neighbor who is elderly so that case was dismissed obviously but days before that the other one was not that is the one I have the order for me on now
when i went to the hearing the other two people had their easily dropped for non of the petitions said anything about violence or fear including mine but she claimed to have more evidence and was granted another 3 week extension that I was still not allowed back so I make it to zoom had technical difficulties as my life goes down the drain and I fight depression however I made it they werent getting me through however I was earlier than any of the times seen previously when I was seen on zoom before all of which to my best memory they would wait until all the other hearings took place before having anyone else that were waiting for the missing party just have to wait until the other hearings were done if the missing party didn't show up before making a judgement with me they did not do that and when i got on i still saw the petitioners name on the chat and the zoom coordinator knew all the information but they said they couldnt do anything its written in the order i believe so i got in front of another judge and they agreed I should get another chance for a hearing and that time came up which still wasnt enough to change anything or even get a hearing and only would have got me back inside a week early so i let it go ...my one per year chance i can file a motion to modify.... never have they really been in fear or have i threatened them they are clearly using this to steal all they can I have before pictures of my room that my uncle took and witnesses I really have the goal of trying to do all I can legally in finding where I was not treated according to civil procedures out and inside the courts as well as hold anyone and everyone accountabble for theft libel and/or slander this includes using those text messages to show the courts that my aunt is responsible for denying me the ability to use the proper channels to have the property management take the steps to do something about the other people ther which if i was given the address and told the truth about her being the property manager I could have through certified mail made them be responsible and provide according to wa state law their duty to provide which is a safe drug free free of risk or harm and having my things stolen. by the way remember later on every family member including her all said they dont want a protection order on me for behalf of my grandfather so that should show something about the nature of all this and I will answer any questions you mayt have no other place has been close in giving any attention to this as this site i really appreciate it I dont expect you to get involved this is ipretty entailed but if you are interested thank you so much in advance this is the worst time in my life I have ever experienced and its still rerally hard i appreciate any help and again thank you for the response so far sincerely
when i went to the hearing the other two people had their easily dropped for non of the petitions said anything about violence or fear including mine but she claimed to have more evidence and was granted another 3 week extension that I was still not allowed back so I make it to zoom had technical difficulties as my life goes down the drain and I fight depression however I made it they werent getting me through however I was earlier than any of the times seen previously when I was seen on zoom before all of which to my best memory they would wait until all the other hearings took place before having anyone else that were waiting for the missing party just have to wait until the other hearings were done if the missing party didn't show up before making a judgement with me they did not do that and when i got on i still saw the petitioners name on the chat and the zoom coordinator knew all the information but they said they couldnt do anything its written in the order i believe so i got in front of another judge and they agreed I should get another chance for a hearing and that time came up which still wasnt enough to change anything or even get a hearing and only would have got me back inside a week early so i let it go ...my one per year chance i can file a motion to modify.... never have they really been in fear or have i threatened them they are clearly using this to steal all they can I have before pictures of my room that my uncle took and witnesses I really have the goal of trying to do all I can legally in finding where I was not treated according to civil procedures out and inside the courts as well as hold anyone and everyone accountabble for theft libel and/or slander this includes using those text messages to show the courts that my aunt is responsible for denying me the ability to use the proper channels to have the property management take the steps to do something about the other people ther which if i was given the address and told the truth about her being the property manager I could have through certified mail made them be responsible and provide according to wa state law their duty to provide which is a safe drug free free of risk or harm and having my things stolen. by the way remember later on every family member including her all said they dont want a protection order on me for behalf of my grandfather so that should show something about the nature of all this and I will answer any questions you mayt have no other place has been close in giving any attention to this as this site i really appreciate it I dont expect you to get involved this is ipretty entailed but if you are interested thank you so much in advance this is the worst time in my life I have ever experienced and its still rerally hard i appreciate any help and again thank you for the response so far sincerely

You don't seriously expect anyone to try and make sense of this gigantic block of words with no capitalization and almost no punctuation, do you? The prior three posts aren't much better.
You don't seriously expect anyone to try and make sense of this gigantic block of words with no capitalization and almost no punctuation, do you? The prior three posts aren't much better.
Well no I don't expect anything and didn't mean to cause a problem I don't have any hard feelings if you don't get involved I am grateful for the help so far. If I was someone who excelled in school and had more than a G.E.D. at 50 I would have the money to obtain an attorney already and wouldn't be such a bother. I see I screwed this up its like everything else a downward spiral. I have a limited time to try and portray what I can to this site all involved and like I said before will answer any questions just like I have so far. if there are any. I see you had no questions yourself so I am not sure what to do. but I will try something to help one moment.
You don't seriously expect anyone to try and make sense of this gigantic block of words with no capitalization and almost no punctuation, do you? The prior three posts aren't much better.
I'm currently seeking legal counsel regarding a complex situation involving squatters exploiting a legal loophole, causing significant distress and upheaval. This comes at a particularly difficult time for me, following a painful breakup and being left without a place to stay for the past four months due to issues at my grandfather's house.

Compounding matters, there seems to be familial discord regarding my grandfather's living arrangements. Despite his desire to continue residing in the home he built, some family members are pushing for him to move into a care facility. Unfortunately, I find myself caught in the middle, facing undue blame and pressure.

My primary concern is to ensure my grandfather's wishes are honored and that he can maintain his independence and dignity. Given the gravity of the situation and the legal complexities involved, I am reaching out for expert legal advice to navigate this challenging landscape effectively.