Recent content by thomasv0

  1. T

    Land Lord Claims Wachovia Bank Draft Dishonered

    Hi Gail - First management claims they deposited the draft in June 2008 and it was returned "bank error not honnered"- I have not been given any such copies to confirm alligation or follow up with bank error - The leasing office claims they no longer have the draft in there possession and are...
  2. T

    Non-custodial parent to claim child on tax return

    IRS Form (#8332) you must file the relevant sections from your divorce agreement and the last page with his or signature. Also there S.S# in a cover letter might be helpful - Always mail it in with paper work - Keep your records safe and complete for (5)yrs - However many years the IRS can go...
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    Land Lord Claims Wachovia Bank Draft Dishonered

    I purchased a Wachovia Money Order to pay my rent in June of 2008 - On Jan 29 2009 Lease office said this money order was not honored and I had 24 hours to produce 726.00 or they would proceed with eviction, legal fees ect - I called Wachovia to inquire about the bank draft - I was told it was...