Recent content by rmhtrauma

  1. R

    need to know if this is illegal asap

    Thank you so very much for your answer. I have been trying forever to find exactly what this would be considered in the courts. I had a feeling that this was illegal. Do you have any insight on how to find specifics on Ohio's penal code about this situation? Maybe a web site or something?
  2. R

    ICU + Patient Rules

    Hi there. I am terribly sorry that all of this happened to your father, you and your family. I have worked in the medical field for a while now, and know that there are a few people/hospitals that just are not worth the time. Every place is different, but there are a few national laws...
  3. R

    Terminated and now falsely accused

    "...informing the UC division that you were fired for taking these documents does not constitute complaint." The employer has actually filed a formal complaint with the county court. Not only on me, but on other past employees. The formal complaint with the court will always be part of our...
  4. R

    Given a nice raise then fired

    I am sorry to hear about this, however, as far as I know, this is not illegal unless she had a contract. I recently have been in the same situation, almost exactly, and I haven't been able to find any way of "teaching them a lesson". It just proves one more time how people are more interested...
  5. R

    need to know if this is illegal asap

    Is it illegal to knowingly file a false complaint, with the courts, for accounts, notes ect...?
  6. R

    Is this harassment, illegal, or something I should just give up on?

    I guess I was thinking that since the employer is accusing everyone that formerly worked for them, of the same thing, and making it part of everyone's public record that this would be leading up to possible defamation of character. (Since the employer knowingly has FALSELY accused everyone in...
  7. R

    Am I in the wrong if I...

    Now that I have been fired over apparently a he said, she said thing, I am wondering how awful of a reference I will be given from my former employer. Is it illegal for me to ask a prospective employer to record the reference call to verify that the former employer is not stating untrue facts...
  8. R

    Is this harassment, illegal, or something I should just give up on?

    I was recently terminated from a non union, at will job. The employer did not give me a reason, which I understand is legal. However, I filed for unemployment and after a few weeks got a disallowed status due to "...negligence or willfull disregard...". The paper stated that I violated a company...
  9. R

    Terminated and now falsely accused

    I was recently terminated from a non union, at will job. The employer did not give me a reason, which I understand is legal. However, I filed for unemployment and after a few weeks got a disallowed status due to "...negligence or willfull disregard...". The paper stated that I violated a...