Recent content by punkjtek

  1. P

    I REALLY need help

    I sound silly for being on this website at only tha age of 13. However, I know that it is illegal for minors to have sex. Yet, i bear the question: If a minor thinks she may be pregnant, due to a week-late menstrual period and an unusual craving for something she never wants, will she be...
  2. P

    I REALLY need advice

    I sound silly for being on this website at only tha age of 13. However, I know that it is illegal for minors to have sex. Yet, i bear the question: If a minor thinks she may be pregnant, due to a week-late menstrual period and an unusual craving for something she never wants, will she be...
  3. P

    18 year old boy dating 17 year old girl

    Sometimes a year isn't too long. Just tell them they need to be careful. If it's one of those special relationships, a year-wait will be worth it.