Recent content by plainkton

  1. P

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Should I Worry About the Police Searching My House?

    It is just alarming when one reads the newspaper clippings I cut out and see these things in actual print. I mention it because it keeps me up pretty late worrying about what happened to these poor girls. Let's face it, it's just not safe anymore to be wandering around after dark, and now people...
  2. P

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Should I Worry About the Police Searching My House?

    Well, I guess one is not in a pickle until they come knocking at the door. So far it has been quiet, real quiet. What about this? The girls could have all died while the Heimlich maneuver was being implemented wrong.
  3. P

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Should I Worry About the Police Searching My House?

    Thanks. I am asking because people might get the wrong idea if they were to find some kids who all had the misfortune of choking to death on food in someone's house around the neighborhood where they turned up missing. These sort of things happen all the time and it'd be a terrible miscarrage of...
  4. P

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Should I Worry About the Police Searching My House?

    Even assholes like you should know that people are innocent until proven guilty.
  5. P

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Should I Worry About the Police Searching My House?

    Hello. I live in Indiana. In our city, three young girls have disappeared from the streets. They have turned up missing over a period of about 4 weeks. It has been in the news alot lately and one would be worried about the possibilty of the police looking their way in an investigation. I am...