Recent content by mrsandman

  1. M

    401k question

    Erkoda, the general rule I know of is that first you would have to be married for at least 10 years to your husband to be entitled to a portion of his 401k account upon divorce, since you did indeed get a $30k settlement, I assume you are married for more than 10 years. As for the child's...
  2. M

    Roth IRA Rules

    in reading the roth ira rules, i came across this paragraph: "You are not allowed to perform all of these following transactions under both the traditional and the Roth IRA. Borrowing funds from your IRA to pay off debt or loans Buying personal property with funds from your IRA Selling...
  3. M

    How much retirement savings do you have?

    this article claims 401k plan savers experienced over 50% growth in 7 years Age of Retirees 401k Balances In their 20's $24,169 In their 30's $50,930 In their 40's $91,848 In their 50's $127,766 In their 60's $140,957
  4. M

    Taxes on Rebate

    looks like you just got scammed
  5. M

    Discussion on loans

    that's a nice site
  6. M

    Low APR credit cards?

    does anyone know where i can all the list of low apr cards? this article says to opt for low rate cards if you can get one "You have 2500$ of debt on your credit card and you make minimum payments each month of 2.5% (assuming...
  7. M

    Debt from another country

    negotiate with them on payment terms... you can probably get a good deal
  8. M

    Summons quesion

    is bankruptcy an option?
  9. M

    Website Name

    i think you can do so, as long as you do not copy "ebay's" graphics, content or any other copyright like for example booble made an adult search engine complimenting google... however their site does not look like google, so i don't think its a big issue however this is not final advice...
  10. M

    No Police report at time of accident

    what about the note you left on there?
  11. M

    Naturalization, Citizenship How do I get duo citizenship?

    When someone is born in Canada, he/she is automatically a Canadian citizen i believe... its better to clarify with an immigration specialist
  12. M

    Fraudulent invester program?

    what exactly do you mean "angel" investment program?
  13. M

    Corporate Law Verbal partnership agreement

    this is a very unfortunate case, very careless mistake done by your wife... you should have signed everything on piece of paper, verbal agreements mean nothing! (unless you tape recorded them)