Recent content by mick1221

  1. M


    Well, their original claim was filed in district court here in Michigan ($25k cap) but I'm wondering mostly, if the federal laws that I'm citing can be heard at that level, or if they HAVE to be moved to federal court? Additionally, the damages could easily exceed 25k, so that's another issue...
  2. M


    A case was filed against me for a debt I did not owe. Long story. ANyways, I filed a counterclaim, with a great defense. Now, (so far I answered their complaint and they answered my counterclaim.) In the interim, new counter defendants have surfaced that I'd like to add to my counterclaim, and...
  3. M

    False Claim

    I leased a car in 1998. Turned it in on time in 2001. (I can prove it.) Since that time, I have been harassed continuously to pay off the vehicle - they claim I never turned it in. (of course, they would have come by to repo it if I hadn't.) Anyways, they just served me with a lawsuit, claiming...
  4. M


    So ...we fought with the school all year trying to get my son's report cards. My ex, told the school there was no father. Ayways, took me 16 tries, 3 parent teacher conferences that I showed up for ( this year - that doesn't count the other years) just to be told there is no father, we can't...
  5. M


    This is in Michigan
  6. M


    and no, probably not bonded, since I found out he's not licensed either.
  7. M


    Building and contractor are both in Michigan
  8. M

    Child Support & Ssi Income

    If custodial parent is recieving ssdi income for a child....and also recieving child support for the same child , does the ssdi income change the amount of child support to be received in any way?
  9. M


    This is a commercial building in Michigan, being renovated due to fire. General contractor paid subcontactor for job. (In full.) Subcontractor subbed out the window job forthe building. Subcontractor never paid window contactor, now there is a lien and a lawsuit to foreclose. I can prove...