Recent content by LisaRojas

  1. L

    Father of my 3yr daughter is illegal immagrant what are his rights? ( if any)

    you are right not what i really wanted to hear but at the same time i have never refused him visitation i have let him see her on days that are not court order. because i do believe a child should have both parents in their lives. there is a court order for him to pay child support he just...
  2. L

    Father of my 3yr daughter is illegal immagrant what are his rights? ( if any)

    i have custody of my daughter have from the day she was born. he never fought for her wasn't around much for the first year, doesn't pay child support, visitation he cant come and pick her up has no job so my parents make it possible for him to see her. also my concern is he is a flight risk.
  3. L

    Father of my 3yr daughter is illegal immagrant what are his rights? ( if any)

    i am curious to what an illegal immigrants rights are?
  4. L

    Father of my 3yr daughter is illegal immagrant what are his rights? ( if any)

    The father of my 3yr daughter is an illegal immigrant he now wants to take me to court and fight for visitation. I am curious of what his rights are or if he has any? Please help!!