Recent content by LilDel

  1. L

    Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks I commietted Fraud for a RO please help

    Let this me the end of this little rumor... THERE IS NO WAY FOR THE COURTS TO TRACK EVERYWHERE YOU'VE GONE ON THE INTERNET!!! They may be able to tell certain sites that you MAY have visited, but they can't "track" you. Even if they were reading this forum and saw your posts, it would be hard...
  2. L

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Theft by recieving (auto): bunch of exceptions

    Also, how big or small is this charge? And in case i am convicted, what kind of time would I be looking at?
  3. L

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Theft by recieving (auto): bunch of exceptions

    Me and my best friend had permission to drive my girlfriends car. Turns out, it wasn't her car, and it was stolen. We were pulled over and arrested for it one night, and charged with "Theft by recieving". Keep in mind, there wasn't any indication of the car being stolen, as we had the full set...