Recent content by jimboa26

  1. J

    Ex Refuses To Disclose Location

    I HAVE done something about it, to keep our son safe. He AND his mother have both been living with me since his birth, until this last Friday. Had I not taken them in to my home, she would have lost him to CPS; a caseworker was here to inspect my home and interview both me and her. I took her...
  2. J

    Ex Refuses To Disclose Location

    With all due respect, I'm sensing open hostility to the notion that the biological father has any rights whatsoever, and a sense of presumption that I'm in some way a harmful or hostile factor and should not be granted any legal rights whatsoever. Is this really how the courts view fathers...
  3. J

    Ex Refuses To Disclose Location

    Not even when I am appointed as a joint managing conservator?
  4. J

    Ex Refuses To Disclose Location

    We have a court date on Dec. 10th. I know she's not doing anything legally *right now* but at this point it's inevitable that eventually I will be getting some form of conservatorship. When it reaches that point, she will have to disclose all relevant info on his health and well-being and...
  5. J

    Ex Refuses To Disclose Location

    I'm not arguing that she shouldn't necessarily be the primary, but that I must be given the address/location of my son; so that I can know for sure he is taken care of. As a managing conservator, is that not an inherent right, to at least know where he is?
  6. J

    Ex Refuses To Disclose Location

    She lived with me for four months, by the way. Forgot to include that detail.
  7. J

    Ex Refuses To Disclose Location

    So my ex and I are not on good terms. The relevant history is she left my house, willingly and against my wishes, while she was pregnant and chose to live on the street because I evicted her dead-beat boyfriend. Before I go any further, I want to stress that there is no history of stalking...
  8. J

    Mother Refuses To Disclose Location

    If I can prove to Health & Human Services that she lied about not receiving help from the father, and I present her recorded admittance to intending to defraud the needy assistance system, doesn't that do something? Can I at least get the court system to disclose her location? She has to have a...
  9. J

    Mother Refuses To Disclose Location

    I'm in the process of petitioning the court to establish my paternity, and then I'm filing for majority custody of my son. The situation is, my ex-girlfriend is currently living with me, but she is about to leave and go live with her brother and sister in law, and has stated that she refuses to...