Recent content by Eiram

  1. E

    Trustee buying trust assets from a beneficiary

    That is interesting. My understanding was she was buying my share (remember this is a family business we inherited 50% each, my share in trust with sister named as trustee, her share is not in trust but probably in shares since the business is a corporation (S Corp). So she would buy my 50%...
  2. E

    Trustee buying trust assets from a beneficiary

    Thank you for the reply (and to all those who previously repied) The trust instrument says I am to receive income once a year at a minimum. My share of the apartment buildings was put in trust by my father to avoid me forcing a buyout (since I don't live in the country) . This is the family...
  3. E

    Trustee buying trust assets from a beneficiary

    I inherited a trust that pays income from my father with my sister as a trustee. The trust assets are rental properties however my sister is not giving me the income I should receive. Because of various expenses to run the business plus her huge salary. She said she can buy me out at less than...