Recent content by AskingThisOneQuestion

  1. AskingThisOneQuestion

    Arraignment, Bail, Bonds, Pretrial Bail Paid, Court Appearance Missed, Bench Warrant Issued but Charges Dropped - Bail Refundable?

    The only law I broke was not appearing in court as summoned. The other charges were dropped, and your presumption of guilt pertaining to said charges is pretty appalling for someone who is ostensibly here to provide legal advice. I'd rather be someone who made a mistake by not appearing in court...
  2. AskingThisOneQuestion

    Arraignment, Bail, Bonds, Pretrial Bail Paid, Court Appearance Missed, Bench Warrant Issued but Charges Dropped - Bail Refundable?

    I know the difference between bond and bail. I did not pay bond. I paid bail. The bail amount was $4,000 in total. I did not go through a bondsman. I paid the entirety upfront.
  3. AskingThisOneQuestion

    Arraignment, Bail, Bonds, Pretrial Bail Paid, Court Appearance Missed, Bench Warrant Issued but Charges Dropped - Bail Refundable?

    Was arrested in Louisiana 15 odd years ago. Four counts - 2 misdemeanor, 2 felony, $4,000 bail (not bond) paid. The misdemeanors were dropped, $2,000 of the bail was refunded. The remaining charges sat for ages as the DA decided whether or not to pursue charges, and I was very young and stupid...