Recent content by abc123thatsme

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    Libel/Defamation incident WITH written evidence

    That's an interesting perspective. It cost us at least one contract in the $150k range, which is what I'll file in my civil complaint. I'll have to look more carefully at the case law. I strongly suspect a subpoena response (which is what we now have) showing the ip address originated at her...
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    Libel/Defamation incident WITH written evidence

    Noted--please feel free to delete that post. I've looked and I'm not sure how to delete it. Sorry.
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    Corporate Law Breach of Fiduciary Duty?

    Well, you could have just suggested I look more carefully at the date of the post, which I will now do--and thanks for letting me know. Not sure immediately threatening me is the best route, but so be it. I'll be more careful. I just found the threads interesting, but i now notice that you...
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    Libel/Defamation incident WITH written evidence

    And to Mightymoose--thanks for the input. She would still need to defend herself by saying that someone jacked her wifi or something similar no? I would think this evidence would be strong enough to at least engage her in a need to prove her innocence. In this case the writing style matches hers...
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    Libel/Defamation incident WITH written evidence

    Thanks. I'm well versed in law. Unless the moderators deem my message unfit, I'll wait for an answer with more value here. You are correct that counsel is called for, and I will definitely have counsel. More than one opinion is always a good idea. That's why I'm here.
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    Corporate Law A Minority Shareholders Quest

    If he's truly hard up for cash, sue immediately. A lot of this sounds like evidence would be relatively easy to show, such as the company paying for his wife's leased car. He's certainly violating the spirit of your agreement, which doesn't matter much, so go back to see what actually was put in...
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    Should I join an LLC?

    Correct--it's a ridiculous proposition. Or you've misunderstood it. You don't "join" an LLC without a position. He wants you to be agent for service of process? A co-managing member or just a member? A member always has an equity position as far as I know. Your liability as a non-managing member...
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    Corporate Law Breach of Fiduciary Duty?

    Wow--no offense, but for a super moderator, that's a post without much value. I suspect his position violates his agreement as a director, so you should make sure his position is clear in writing for the record. It does sound like you're in over your head and counsel is needed--don't save a...
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    Libel/Defamation incident WITH written evidence

    Disgruntled ex-client of mine has a history of threats and unreasonable behavior as well as law-enforcement run-ins. Harrasses my current clients with emails, but is fairly careful about what she says, meaning doesn't leave good evidence for defamation. Recently, she created a fake email...