Recent content by 1234more

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    not enough money to get an attorney, In need of help!!

    Thanks for all the input, I was able to get a TPO, that court date is in a week. and his attorney said he wou
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    not enough money to get an attorney, In need of help!!

    So what kind of proof do I need?
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    not enough money to get an attorney, In need of help!!

    My ex has primary custody of our child... a little over a week ago he posted a suicide note on a social profile... his wife wants to leave him... they have a child and she has her own child from another marriage. since he posted the note our son has been with me since and I have not given him...
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    no I'm not In court, Yet, I just want to have my ducks in a row. I have to represent myself. My evidence is the best thing I have, and If they know what I have I will not be able to catch them in a lie, because they lie A LOT!
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    So I will be able to lock down their testimony before I show any evidence?! I want to be able to trap them in a lie.
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    is there anyway to get a deposition before showing your evidence?
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    Could someone explain "discovery" to me? if the other party uses discovery, can you turn it down to keep your evidence a surprise?
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    Thank you! That's what I was trying to get at. my ex has lied under oath, and I know for a fact that he will Lie again under oath, since my ex is confident that I can not prove the lies. when I can! so, if my ex's lies more than one time under oath, what would a Judge do seeing that my ex has...
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    step parents rights

    okay, so what if the child's school calls to have the child picked up on the custodial parents day, and the custodial parent can not pick the child up, is it okay for them to just call the stepparent rather than the non-custodial parent?
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    step parents rights

    how much more rights does the step parent have over the non-custodial parent?
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    @ Proserpina: sorry about being so vague, I have proof of my ex's many lies, which is just one of the things that I have against my ex. I however have been know to tell the truth even if that truth makes me look like I was a bad person. I just can't bring myself to lie. my ex has. I now have...
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    I mean Lies about everything, and anything to make them look better to the Judge while the other party has proven to always tell the truth.
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    If you were able to discredit the defendant in a custody case (proving their lies after lies), what would happen?
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    Spring Break week!

    Okay, Thank you, I am going to go up to court and see if I can talk to someone about it today. Thanks!
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    Difference between....

    those are very funny! do you have anymore?