My husband and I started a business last June. In October, we ordered printed supplies for our business. One of the items were patches (that you would sew onto a jacket) and the other were keychains. Our tour season, in which we use these items, goes from February to May. We received the patches in February - they were incorrect, but we used them. We also received the keychains, which we used; though they were never approved, we were in a cruch and HAD to use them. In the mean time, the printer sourced out a second company to re-make the patches. He delivered them to us in March, though they were still incorrect and we NEVER used them. He sourced out a third company to have them made. Mind you the patches say 2007 on them. The final box of 3000 patches were delivered to us in September. We have not paid either invoice, which total $7000, and are now being sued. I have no problem paying for the patches and keychains we used, which to amounts to (at the MOST) $1000. I now have received a summons and have been ask to enter a written response within 20 days. I have all of my proof. I don't have the means to hire a lawyer and just need to know what to format to write my response in - I need some advice. Please help ASAP! Thank you.