Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Worried About Going to Jail and my Family

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New Member
I'm a 40 year old male, husband, and father of four wonderful children. I committed retail fraud II taking a pair of glasses from a store (retail value was $500). I to this day have no idea why I took them. I am ashamed and feel very low.

I pleaded guilty as the prosecutor was not willing to plea down as they had me on surveillance and the county prosecutor is not very lenient I guess?

I have a misdemeanor on record from 22 years ago when I was 17. Other than traffic tickets I have no other charges or convictions on my record.

With a full time job, running around with my wife after our children; school, practices, church, etc. I am VERY concerned that I may have to spend time in jail for this stupid mistake. I have to meet with a probation office prior to my sentencing. I am highly respected at work and within my church and community. So, I will definitely provide the court character witnesses.

Needless to say I have affected myself and family in such a negative way I feel like a loser. I plan on ensuring others don't fall into the same web I weaves and hold a meeting for people in my community who may feel taking even a small item is not right
and hope we can talk things out so as not to see or hear of someone I may know doing the something.

Is there any advice you can give so as to help me avoid going to jail! I'm willing to do anything. Not being around for my family will affect their ability to go on with school and other activities. Not to mention if I am away from work for more than one day I could less a corporate job that I have worked 15 years to obtain.

Thank you,

One Guy Who Has Learned His Lesson!
Never slip the noose around your neck.

Always plead NOT GUILY, and HIRE you a lawyer, or request the court appoint one to represent you.

Only an idiot would help the hangman lynch himself.

You screwed yourself, in oh so many ways.
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If you have already pled guilty there is little you can do at this point. If you have another court date for sentencing then I suggest you do as I instructed one of my clients. Enroll and complete an Anti shoplifting program like one offered by NASP take completion proof to court. My client who did this saw Judge so pleased he dismissed his case on the spot.
Discuss with God why you just trashed your life for .25 cents worth of metal or plastic because they had a fancy name on them.
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