Who pays HOA dues when a condo is foreclosed on?

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New Member
A neighbor in our Condo complex is having to potentially foreclose on her condo because a new owner occupancy law established preventing owners from being able to sell their condo if 51%+ of the units are NOT owner occupied (there are only 4 units and 2 are rented out). If she does end up foreclosing who pays the HOA dues? If the property is bank owned wouldn't the bank be responsible for paying the HOA dues? Could our association potentially put a lien on the property after the foreclosure adding the costs of property to whoever buys it in auction? The owner of the condo is a friend of ours and we understand her predicament (she hasn't been able to sell it, though there has been interest, because of this new owner occupancy law) and don't really want stick her with a lien or anything negative but we must be realistic about the situation too. Please help, we're having a meeting regarding this soon and don't know how to address this. Thanks!
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