Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant What would be the best route to get a warrant issued?

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New Member
I recently had my laptop stolen out of my house in Columbus, OH. With everything that was lifted it totals about $650. I am new in town and had the kitchen window open, and the thief reached in and grabbed it. I am talking to my landlord about putting bars and screens up.

As my laptop was stolen I made a police report and figured it was gone. About a week ago the thief connected to my highly secured wifi. I am pretty versed in computer security so I know it's nearby (like within 300 feet). I borrowed a friend's laptop and installed a program that gives me signal strength of anything radiating a wifi signal. I "foxed" it out and know with 90% probability what apartment it's in. They are in a 4-plex next door to me on the end, and the apartment next to them is empty.

I told the detective assigned to my case all this and they said it would not be enough for a warrant.

As an additional question, I did leave a backdoor in my computer, but would require to hack it (this is on purpose). Would this get /me/ into any legal issues?

If not, I can install a keylogger that will grab all the keys they press, but that will take forever and if the police use say, the thief's myspace account info to ask myspace where the person is located it will say my house due to the IP address is coming from my network.

BTW, I am not worried about ID theft or them getting info from me on the network.
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