Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft What type of theft? Scared... Please help...

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New Member
I guess I shouldn't really be scared, but right now I am just shaken up about all of this. I am a minor (17 years old) and I live in CA. Last night, my friends and I were going to have a bon fire at a local beach. We got the wood and the materials to make a bon fire, but we realized we forgot chairs. Stupid as we were, we decided to "borrow" (in all honesty, we had every intention to bring them back) three, rather large lounge chairs from a little beach hotel right near where we were going. As we were driving off, someone came running out and tried to stop us. We got to the bon fire and before we knew it, two officers came and told us we needed to come with them. After a long time of processing, talking, apologizing, and worrying, the hotel manager decided not to press charges and just drop the whole incident. I lucked out to say the least... But I have three questions:

1) Is there anyway that this incident will come back up and hurt my future?
2) How big of a penalty would we be looking at (we are all 17)?
3) I didn't have to sign anything or take anything for a court date; does this mean that it is truly dropped?

Thank you so much for your time. Please help. I am just very scared about the whole thing.

P.S.- I apologize for the length of this post.
1) Is there anyway that this incident will come back up and hurt my future?
A: No one can predict the future.

2) How big of a penalty would we be looking at (we are all 17)?
A: Could be jail time.

3) I didn't have to sign anything or take anything for a court date; does this mean that it is truly dropped?
A: They have a year to decide whether to file charges; again, we can't see the future.
Refused Breath test dwi 1st time New York


I am looking for feed back about anyones experience with a jury trail that :

1. Defendant did not submit to the breath test.

2. What if any the sentence.

3. First arrest for dwi.
I know that you do not know the future. But from your past experience and your knowledge, do you think I should have any reason to be scared? And also, would that be considered a felony? I read on the internet that petty theft is considered under $400, but I do not know how much the chairs would have cost.
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