Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft What to do if charged with Shoplifting at Walmart SelfCheckout?


New Member
On Friday afternoon I went to [Large Chain Grocery Store], bought a couple of weeks worth of groceries at the self-checkout, and, it turns out, left ~$29 of assorted food-stuffs (see list below) unpaid for in the cart. Very soon after moving on toward the store entrance I was stopped by a very hostile man in street clothes who asked for my receipt and then my license, but never did identify himself. The short version is that I spent roughly the next hour in a secluded back room of the store with this man, during which time he seemed to be trying to intimidate me into saying that I had intentionally overlooked the items in question. I was increasingly suspicious about the legality of what was happening, and eventually asked that a law enforcement officer be present. The officer did arrive, and ultimately handed me a ticket with a court date on it, and the words SHOPLIFTING (M).

Both during and after the event I've had to grapple with my complete ignorance of the legalities of all of this. I guess it's of no import now what all I should or shouldn't have done/said while sequestered in that back room, but I need to figure out what next. Do I simply show up on the court date and explain my innocence, or will I likely just be met with the same hostility and presumption of guilt I got at Walmart? Am I correct that this whole thing could turn into a criminal record?

If it matters, I'm currently 38 years old, in Graduate School, and my criminal record so far consists of one time not wearing my seatbelt (~5yrs ago), and once driving with a broken tail light (~10yrs ago). I've been shopping at that same store for 6 or 7 years now.

Thanks in advance for your help.

(The List mentioned above):
5 lbs. Ground Beef
2 Sticks of Butter
1 Small pack of paper bowls
1 Small pack of plastic spoons
1 Shaker of Dill (the seasoning)
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I am a Retail theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Nothing the store (you should not have named) Asset Protection officer did was illegal. He "may" have violated some store policies on shoplifting stops but it was not unlawful. yes you made an error but 90% of all caught shoplifters say they made a mistake so that wont wash Actually the worst thing you could have done was ask for Police. Its very possible the store would not have involved Police and you would not be dealing with going to court for theft. Now you need a lawyer so you can discuss your defense options
Thanks, shrinkmaster, for your reply. I've actually just been reading your other posts on this website, and they've been very helpful! I do (now) get that I shouldn't have requested police, but at the time I had no notion of LP's or any of the rest, and I just felt really unsure of what was going on.

If you have a moment, could you speak to me best next steps, given that my stipend as a graduate student makes retaining a lawyer very difficult. In posts you've made in other threads, you've advised to:
1) Show up on the court date
2) Plead not guilty
3) Ask for a Public Defender
4) Ask the PD about ACD or Divergence

Does that all apply to my case?

Thanks again for your've been very helpful.
Yes all apply and its Diversion, Divergence was a movie I think lol. Also expect a letter of Civil Demand from the stores law firm read other threads on that as well
HA! Well now see there, you've already saved me some embarrassment. Also, I've edited out the store name, per your suggestion. Thanks again!