Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft What should I expect from a misdemeanor theft charge?

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New Member
I got caught attempting to shoplift an $18 pair of headphones (stupid, I know) from wal-mart. I was not arrested, but I was taken in the back and gave all my information to the undercover security guard. An officer then came in and gave me a ticket and a court date. I am 19 and this is my first offense. What are my likely consequences? I really don't have the money to hire an attorney. Is it really that important for me to have one? What should I plead in court? I am pretty ignorant in areas of the law. I was just planning on showing up for court by myself and doing whatever the judge tells me. I don't know what I can ask for or plead or anything.

Also, is there any way to know which judge you are going to get before your court date? I know one of the judges in the area I was convicted in and I would REALLY not like her to find out about this. Any information or tips appreciated... Thanks.
You need to talk to a Lawyer. Where the fines a like ar eminor the criminbal record can be harmful for life. Talk to this Lawyer about your options one possible option might be Diversion. Thsi is option you want. You can also visit the site in my signature line. Its a forum site just for shoplifting questions
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