what is my legal ground?

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New Member
Please help! I was a renter. My landlord and i got into a fight so i decided it was best for me and my son to move. Only giving 10 days notice. Which would have been 6/30/08. When i informed the landlord of this she said i need to be out by the weekend then. Giving me only 3 days. We never had any type of lease i just paid cash every month. On the day i was moving we kinda said our sorrys etc. so i felt bad and gave her a check for july rent on my own . On july 1 we talked and i asked her to hold the check i didn't have enough funds giving i had to pay rent somewhere else. She did in deed hold it. Yesterday she went to cash the check and the bank would not cash it stating it had been altered. I called the bank to verify this. I then talked with her and it was said I would drop off the money to her boyfriend. In the meantime i had a family emergency and could not make it. I received nasty calls stating I OWE her this money and she will come to my job etc. Once i was home from the hospital i emailed her telling her this is way out of control and I was doing it cause i felt bad but legally do i owe her this money.. We never had a lease, I paid cash every month. I know morally yes but legally do I?
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