Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders what is likely to happen and what can he do about it?

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New Member
My friend is being charged with sexual activities witha minor but i dont believ its fair. He had sexual contact with a girl and she had told him she was 16 or 17, either way its within the age of consent in my state, she turned out to be 15 i believe, he was 18. her parents had found out what happend between them and they are now pressing charges. I dont believe she should be able to get away with that because 1. she lied to him to make herself seem older which implies she wanted to have abetter chance of having relations with him and 2.i hear if your 16 you can have sex with someone who is 19 at the oldest and it will still be legal. What is likely to happen to him if he is charged with sexual activities with a minor and what can he do to do his best to fight it? If i could please get a response asap i would appreciate it
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