what happen to 30 day notice?

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New Member
August ipayed most of my rent i was bout 300 short i was given 3 day pay or quit september i was served unlawful detiner if i dont respond in five days at court house i have bout 2 weeks to be out lockedout by sheriff is this legal what happen to 30 day notice ?
What 30 day notice?

You are confusing a 30 day notice to terminate a month to month lease with a 3 day notice to Pay or Quit.

A 3 day notice is provided to address a breach in the lease; in this case your failure to pay the entire rent for August.

You have five days to respond to the unlawful detainer; if you do not do so the landlords request for the eviction will be granted and the actual eviction will take place.

To avoid this, respond as required and provide not only the remaining rent for August but that for September to avoid this taking place.

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