What are the possible repercussions?

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Texas situtation. Have researched and have seen the "3 year" Statute. Son is 17 yrs. old. Girl he has been dating for almost a year now is 2 yrs. 7 months younger. Mother of girl has sole custody of girl. Father has visitation. Mother has been aware of, has approved of and has encouraged the pair dating. Father was aware of but did not approve of same saying our son was too old for his daughter. Both kids are great students, born again Christians (and have promised God to abstain from sexual relations until they are married), and are wonderful kids. Just recently and quite suddenly, her father decided "no more contact" - phone calls, emails, text messaging, or seeing each other after seeing what he called an inappropriate photo on her MySpace account (we looked at it and found absolutely nothing wrong with one of her girlfriends and her clowning around at the beach; they were both in bikinis but the bikinis were modest ones. Nothing to do with our son, but guess the father has been looking for any excuse to break them up. He called her a slut and a few other choice names and hit her across the face and and accused her and our son of doing inappropriate things. My own investigation into this sudden blowup revealed that girl's step-father got tired of dealing with girl's mother driving girl back and forth to our home to visit our son (they live out of town). He called girl's father and filled father's head with outlandish lies and accusations against our son. Father ended up taking the girls phone away. Even though step-father had his way, her mother has started sharing HER phone with her daughter so that daughter can call our son. We have advised our son to respect the girl's father (could give a rat's ass about the step-father) and NOT initiate the calls or contacts to the girl but if the girl contacts him, they can talk with each other. 2 Questions: If her mother allows, can they LEGALLY see each other--continue going to movies, out to eat and the girl coming to our home? Most importantly, are there any possible legal actions that her father can take against our son?
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