New Member
- Jurisdiction
- Connecticut
Hello everyone,
I'm new to this forum. I joined because I was hoping to get some advice. My son started kindergarten in 2015 and the school is absolutely awful! It was my 1st time being a mom with a child in a new setting away from home. My son is the white minority in a poor demagraphic area. In 2015 there was a lot of racism between the black lives matter group towards caucasian people in urban areas. This particular school has overall extremely poor test scores as a school average, it's one of the lowest in the state. These kids don't go on to college, the high school has a 15% ratio of pregnant children and anot even higher rating for incarcerated children. I'm not going to say anything more about that an just leave it as is. I had a lot of concern with my child's elementary school and safety during kidnergarten. The teacher was writing up my son and having him sent out of class without seeing the incident. If one child tattle tells then the other child gets sent out of class whether the incident actually happened or not. My kids record is 50 pages of inccidents that no one actually saw happen. This particular school system is relying on federal grants because there aren't enough people in town paying taxes. The school doesn't have a budget, it has federal grant money. No one has to qualify for free food, the government supplies it to all of the children. I can afford to pack my kid a lunch but they say all of the kids eat for free. So my son is being sent out of class everyday for things that the teacher never actually saw, and she has admitted to not watching the children. She is a neglectful teacher. The teacher plays on her phone texting her boyfriend on the job. So I bring my concerns to the board of ed and they're too busy to hear what I have to say or they tell me they tell me they will look into it but never do. Any time I complain to the board of ed the school staff gets angry with me and makes public relations more difficult. One day I get a phone call from the school and the lady in the office is saying that my child is being punished Because He was choking himself in gym class with his name tag necklace. It's 4 months into the school year why do the children need name tags? The teachers who see them everyday don't know their names? It's gym class lady, who gave my child a necklace to choke himself with? I didn't authorize for my child to wear jewelry during sports! That's dangerous! But the school insisted that my 5yr old child was at fault even though the school was responsible for creating a potentially dangerous situation. This continued through out the school year where the school did not take my concerns seriously or they were kicking my 5yr old out of class for no reason. If my child has a negative behavior it's put into a file on his permanent record but if another child caused him to have this behavior by prevoking or if another child punches my child and my son has to go to the nurse, comes home from school with several bruises. The nurse records where my child is being bullied are missing from my son's record. There are no records of my child ever going to the nurse so the school doesn't get in trouble for these incidents. There are no records from when the other children provoked my child to behave badly. The school is covering so the school is portaited a certain way, which is false. Instead of the full record, my son's record looks like he's this horrible student because half of the info is missing. I strongly believe that it is a horrible school. After 1/2 way through kindergarten the school decided they needed to evaluate my child for the numerous incidents that the school created. I refused to go to the conference because the school refused to talk to me about my safety concerns and I wasn't taken seriously. The school then started harassing me while I was at work calling me 9-10times a day. I know I'm competing with a lot of undocumented immigrant families that don't work and mom's who stay home. They are able to be on the phone with the school all day because they aren't at work. It was to the point that my boss was going to fire me because the school kept calling. Then the school reported me the dcf for educational neglect (falls under truancy) for needing to reschedule the meeting. My son has never missed a day of school in his life. He wins awards for perfect attendance. The school needs all the potential student candidates enrolled into special ed before the beginning of May, so that way the school can apply for a larger federal grant. After May the harassment from the school stopped because the cut off date for grant applications had passed by. The school saw my son as an easy target because he's the minority and it's underfunded.
Dcf started taking me to court because I told them they needed a Warrent to come into my home. The court got me to sign over hippa ferpa, Everything! Things I did not want to sign. I went to the meetings, my son isn't eligible for special ed. I had him evaluated and everything. Lots of conferences. He tests average, he's in sports, boy scouts, piano that I pay for. Dcf is saying that I never went to any of these meetings and making up lies about me and my family. They subjected us to unnecessary psych evaluations which hurts my career with the government. The psych evaluations was nothing more than questions to incriminate myself and I'm looking to report it to the licensing authority for bias and ethical concerns regarding product reviews.
My attorney has told me he no longer wants to represent us and if the judge won't let him withdraw then he doesn't care what happens to me or my child. He doesn't want to represent us because this has been going on with the court since 2015, over a conference that I went to. My lawyer went to one of the conferences with us. I've paid my attorney several thousand dollars to protect my child, but it's like my attorney isn't doing anything. He basically stole my money if he can't defend us from a court that's abusing it's power.
I've called every attorney in my state, 20+lawyers, the bar association is out of lawyers for me to call. None of the attorneys can represent me because several people from dcf and from the school have already testified against me and a new attorney would not be able to cross examine the people who already testified. The lady who reported us to dcf was a black woman working for the school who is also affiliated with black lives matter. Dcf is trying to use something from over 20 years ago that was expunged to prove that I some how neglected my child by rescheduling this meeting. They are also using pergury and falsified information to build a case even though I didn't do anything wrong. I no longer think this court case is about neglect but more of a way for the system to use my child as a paycheck. I strongly believe that the court is prolonging this case because everyone in the court gets paid to be there. I've had to take more than 30days off from work in a single year over for these allegations/accusations. No one seems to care.
This can't be legal!!!
I have a right to a speedy trial!
Dcf is not trying to help me, when I told them I had proof that I went to the conferences my court date got canceled and wasn't rescheduled. The judge refused to look at the declaration of facts an still hasn't. This has been going on for a few years now and the judge has never heard my side of the story. Since I can't get a new lawyer I called the local bounty hunter and he is a really smart guy. He told me to file a grievance against the court and against my lawyer.
I'm trying to move out of the state because this whole situation is extremely unethical and I want a better life away from people who go out of their way to create problems for othe people, and those who use the cout to abuse it's power. I want to keep my job and not be forced into poverty overy this legal issue with the school. I want to sell my home and move but I'm worried that the state will come and take my kid away, over rescheduling a conference.
This is a low risk educational neglect allegations. I've never been arrested and I'm employed with the government.
If anyone reading this knows some way to help me from these unethical proceedings, please let me know what your ideas are?
My next court date is coming up and my lawyer is not allowed to withdraw, says the judge and my attorney has made it very clear that he doesn't care what happens to myself or my child. I have been through more than 20+ attourneys throught the bar association and none of them will take this case. I don't want the greedy government coming to take my kid away. I fully understand the economics and how cps is funded.
What are my options to get out of this bind?
I'm new to this forum. I joined because I was hoping to get some advice. My son started kindergarten in 2015 and the school is absolutely awful! It was my 1st time being a mom with a child in a new setting away from home. My son is the white minority in a poor demagraphic area. In 2015 there was a lot of racism between the black lives matter group towards caucasian people in urban areas. This particular school has overall extremely poor test scores as a school average, it's one of the lowest in the state. These kids don't go on to college, the high school has a 15% ratio of pregnant children and anot even higher rating for incarcerated children. I'm not going to say anything more about that an just leave it as is. I had a lot of concern with my child's elementary school and safety during kidnergarten. The teacher was writing up my son and having him sent out of class without seeing the incident. If one child tattle tells then the other child gets sent out of class whether the incident actually happened or not. My kids record is 50 pages of inccidents that no one actually saw happen. This particular school system is relying on federal grants because there aren't enough people in town paying taxes. The school doesn't have a budget, it has federal grant money. No one has to qualify for free food, the government supplies it to all of the children. I can afford to pack my kid a lunch but they say all of the kids eat for free. So my son is being sent out of class everyday for things that the teacher never actually saw, and she has admitted to not watching the children. She is a neglectful teacher. The teacher plays on her phone texting her boyfriend on the job. So I bring my concerns to the board of ed and they're too busy to hear what I have to say or they tell me they tell me they will look into it but never do. Any time I complain to the board of ed the school staff gets angry with me and makes public relations more difficult. One day I get a phone call from the school and the lady in the office is saying that my child is being punished Because He was choking himself in gym class with his name tag necklace. It's 4 months into the school year why do the children need name tags? The teachers who see them everyday don't know their names? It's gym class lady, who gave my child a necklace to choke himself with? I didn't authorize for my child to wear jewelry during sports! That's dangerous! But the school insisted that my 5yr old child was at fault even though the school was responsible for creating a potentially dangerous situation. This continued through out the school year where the school did not take my concerns seriously or they were kicking my 5yr old out of class for no reason. If my child has a negative behavior it's put into a file on his permanent record but if another child caused him to have this behavior by prevoking or if another child punches my child and my son has to go to the nurse, comes home from school with several bruises. The nurse records where my child is being bullied are missing from my son's record. There are no records of my child ever going to the nurse so the school doesn't get in trouble for these incidents. There are no records from when the other children provoked my child to behave badly. The school is covering so the school is portaited a certain way, which is false. Instead of the full record, my son's record looks like he's this horrible student because half of the info is missing. I strongly believe that it is a horrible school. After 1/2 way through kindergarten the school decided they needed to evaluate my child for the numerous incidents that the school created. I refused to go to the conference because the school refused to talk to me about my safety concerns and I wasn't taken seriously. The school then started harassing me while I was at work calling me 9-10times a day. I know I'm competing with a lot of undocumented immigrant families that don't work and mom's who stay home. They are able to be on the phone with the school all day because they aren't at work. It was to the point that my boss was going to fire me because the school kept calling. Then the school reported me the dcf for educational neglect (falls under truancy) for needing to reschedule the meeting. My son has never missed a day of school in his life. He wins awards for perfect attendance. The school needs all the potential student candidates enrolled into special ed before the beginning of May, so that way the school can apply for a larger federal grant. After May the harassment from the school stopped because the cut off date for grant applications had passed by. The school saw my son as an easy target because he's the minority and it's underfunded.
Dcf started taking me to court because I told them they needed a Warrent to come into my home. The court got me to sign over hippa ferpa, Everything! Things I did not want to sign. I went to the meetings, my son isn't eligible for special ed. I had him evaluated and everything. Lots of conferences. He tests average, he's in sports, boy scouts, piano that I pay for. Dcf is saying that I never went to any of these meetings and making up lies about me and my family. They subjected us to unnecessary psych evaluations which hurts my career with the government. The psych evaluations was nothing more than questions to incriminate myself and I'm looking to report it to the licensing authority for bias and ethical concerns regarding product reviews.
My attorney has told me he no longer wants to represent us and if the judge won't let him withdraw then he doesn't care what happens to me or my child. He doesn't want to represent us because this has been going on with the court since 2015, over a conference that I went to. My lawyer went to one of the conferences with us. I've paid my attorney several thousand dollars to protect my child, but it's like my attorney isn't doing anything. He basically stole my money if he can't defend us from a court that's abusing it's power.
I've called every attorney in my state, 20+lawyers, the bar association is out of lawyers for me to call. None of the attorneys can represent me because several people from dcf and from the school have already testified against me and a new attorney would not be able to cross examine the people who already testified. The lady who reported us to dcf was a black woman working for the school who is also affiliated with black lives matter. Dcf is trying to use something from over 20 years ago that was expunged to prove that I some how neglected my child by rescheduling this meeting. They are also using pergury and falsified information to build a case even though I didn't do anything wrong. I no longer think this court case is about neglect but more of a way for the system to use my child as a paycheck. I strongly believe that the court is prolonging this case because everyone in the court gets paid to be there. I've had to take more than 30days off from work in a single year over for these allegations/accusations. No one seems to care.
This can't be legal!!!
I have a right to a speedy trial!
Dcf is not trying to help me, when I told them I had proof that I went to the conferences my court date got canceled and wasn't rescheduled. The judge refused to look at the declaration of facts an still hasn't. This has been going on for a few years now and the judge has never heard my side of the story. Since I can't get a new lawyer I called the local bounty hunter and he is a really smart guy. He told me to file a grievance against the court and against my lawyer.
I'm trying to move out of the state because this whole situation is extremely unethical and I want a better life away from people who go out of their way to create problems for othe people, and those who use the cout to abuse it's power. I want to keep my job and not be forced into poverty overy this legal issue with the school. I want to sell my home and move but I'm worried that the state will come and take my kid away, over rescheduling a conference.
This is a low risk educational neglect allegations. I've never been arrested and I'm employed with the government.
If anyone reading this knows some way to help me from these unethical proceedings, please let me know what your ideas are?
My next court date is coming up and my lawyer is not allowed to withdraw, says the judge and my attorney has made it very clear that he doesn't care what happens to myself or my child. I have been through more than 20+ attourneys throught the bar association and none of them will take this case. I don't want the greedy government coming to take my kid away. I fully understand the economics and how cps is funded.
What are my options to get out of this bind?