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New Member
is it legal,in ,texas, to charge $90 for if its not being used? the most water has cost me is $40. the same would cost now $130. that seem right to me and i'm not the only one being charged like that. thanks for your help.
What disagreeable said is true + more larger private water companies are buying out smaller local operators in certain areas of Tx. & charging customers more. However, as disagreeable also noted, we don't have enough information to give you more of an answer.
is it legal,in ,texas, to charge $90 for if its not being used? the most water has cost me is $40. the same would cost now $130. that seem right to me and i'm not the only one being charged like that. thanks for your help.

Sometimes meters are misread. Why not ask the provider to reread your meter? Depending on what is reported, go from there.
I hope there isn't damage (ie crack in a main water line) in your area - that can make water bills go up. It seems you are not the only one being charged more.

(though that is something that can be fixed)
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