Repairs, Maintenance Washing machine overflow damage

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New Member
My apartment does not supply washers or dryers but has connections for them. It is a personally owned washer. The washer suddenly and without any prior warning malfunctioned and overflowed. It damaged the padding underneath most of the carpeting which had to be removed and replaced. Mold however is not an issue as the water was quickly removed, fans were put in and everything seems to be dry. Prior to this I went and told the maintenance tech on duty that the apartment had flooded and he contacted a water removal service. He however in no way entered into the property to check on anything.

I have been told now that my landlord plans to charge me for replacing the padding, calling the water removal techs, putting in the fans as well as any other damages incurred as it did cause some water to reach a neighbors property. Currently though I believe they are only charging me for the padding to be put into the apartment. Since the maintenance tech never came by the property and therefore cannot prove that it was the washing machine or another issue entirely that caused the machine to overfill am I still liable for the damages?
You're ONLY liable to pay damages if they are assessed by a jury or a judge and a court order has been rendered.
Until that happens, you can simply say, I am not responsible.
Since you admitted that your personally owned washing machine overflowed and caused this that required enough damage that padding had to be removed, fans had to be brought in and damages from this overflow reached a neighbors property, what makes you believe you do not owe for these repairs? The Water Removal Technician report will likely outline the damages and required repair work.

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