Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Warrant for false accusations?

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New Member
My girlfriend is in a tough situation. She was in a relationship with this girl, we'll call her Sarah. She broke up with Sarah and got with this other girl who we'll call Carly. Carly moved into the apartment with my now girlfriend. Sarah came over when Carly wasn't there, and set Carly's clothes in the closet on fire, and it resulted in the whole apartment burning up. My girlfriend took the blame for her ex Sarah. (stupid, yes i know) Now both of her ex's are the best of friends, and they're planning on going to the police tomorrow and having a warrant put out for my girlfriend's arrest for the whole fire incident.

I need advice. What should she do? Should she try and talk to the ex's? Does she call the police and tell them she lied and took the blame before? Does she not do anything?

Anything would be helpful, and I appreciate it a lot.
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