Personal Bankruptcy Want to use tax return to pay down back payments on home loan

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I am in the process of filling out the bankruptcy forms. I will be doing this with no attorney. I have a question regarding filing my tax return. I want to use the entire return to pay down some of my back payments on my home loan. Would this be considered showing preferential treatment if I use the return for that? Should I file my return before I file for chapter 7?
My wife has a balance due at school. This was for some online classes that she had withdrawn from and had never taken. They way they handle refunds is kind of screwed up so even though she withdrew from the classes before they even began, she has to pay for the classes. So now we owe the school $900. Is this considered a school loan even though it is not a loan. Can this be discharged?
No you can not do that because yes it would be preferential treatment. It doesn't matter if you file the return before or after the same rules will apply.
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