Virtual Internet Sales

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New Member
I recently quit a very good online video game. I sold my accounts, game money, game items, etc. Most separate from the accounts.

Everything went fine, all was done through western union.

Then someone posts on the site, that im a scammer. As well as all my personal information to include forum account password/username, addresses, past addresses, mother/father name, schools, full name, my number, paypal address, etc.

To say the least the last 5 years in the game i haven't been the nicest person. On the game forums there are pages of people that hate me, and would do anything to see me harmed in real life(yes over a game), just for me being an asshole to them in this virtual game(i always thought it was funny).

So anyway, i called a detective in my city because they posted his information as well on these forums, saying if u want to help put him behind bars call this number etc. etc.

The detective told me i have 1 IRC complaint for 120$, and 20 people called saying i scammed them as well.

My question: Is this legal? Can people just make up lies? Is this really concidered evidence since people were pushed in the direction of the detective? Can they push 20 legal matters my way without proof?

I know i didn't do any of this, my fear is that i will be arrested on 20 accounts of pety larceny without anyone doing any kind of investigation that has any proof besides 20 people calling to mess with my real life.

I know i have typed alot and i thank you for reading, if you have any questions or helpful answers please post them here i will respond.
1) Unless the police and District Attorney have any real proof that any of this happened, they won't care. If there is no civil case either and no plaintiff then I'd find it hard to believe that the DA will believe this, let alone even hear of this small case.

2) Of course it is not lawful to defame another person. But this is a civil matter and if you so desire, you can sue the person spreading these lies. Chances are unless they will harm you, it won't be worthwhile. However, if this person also posted a great deal of personal information including private passwords and other financial or personal information, it might be worthwhile because that can result in significant financial harm.

3) If you are a victim of identity theft, which may have occurred, then you should report it to the FTC. At this point I'm not sure if that has arisen. You should definitely have this removed from the forum.
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