VIN Numbers

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New Member
I am restoring a car and I would like to know what is legal and illegal about switching trim tags on cars. I want to use the body of one car and the frame of another. Is this legal, if it is how do I go about changing the trim tags?
werdna5225 said:
I am restoring a car and I would like to know what is legal and illegal about switching trim tags on cars. I want to use the body of one car and the frame of another. Is this legal, if it is how do I go about changing the trim tags?
It might depend on the laws in your un-named state. Contact your local DMV or state police / highway patrol office.

- Carl
werdna5225 said:
sorry I thought I gave my state, it is oklahoma, and thanks for the reply.
I honestly do not know the answer to the question. It may have something to do with scrapping or "junking" one of the cars, or considering one to be salvaged. This really is a question for your DMV or OK Highway Patrol.

Good luck.

- Carl
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