verbal rental agreement

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New Member
I entered into a verbal agreement to rent a house with a friend, whose parents owned a house. after a year, The parents decided to sell the house and i moved out mid-way through the last month. I had sent two checks for rent that month, one post-dated. I was told if I was out by the fifteenth the second check would be returned. When i moved, i bought the roommate's bed. i just sent her a check for the remaining amount and she says she still hasn't received it and her parents are going to cash my rent check and send me the difference for the bed. Now i'm concerned about them having two checks-what legal rights do i have and what's the best way to handle this? Is it illegal for them to cash my rent check even though it's a verbal agreement only?
So there's two cheques out there, one for the rent, one for the bed. They haven't received the bed cheque, but they have the rent cheque and it's for more than the bed.

If you trust them, you could cancel the bed cheque, let them cash the rent cheque and send you the difference. In my opinion, that would be inviting trouble. Cancel the rent cheque, and if they haven't received the bed cheque in a few days, send them a new one. Let them know this is what you're doing.
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