Verbal commitment not honored on Auto Sale

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New Member
Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I purchased a used 2008 Nissan Titan from an auto dealership in March of 2009 that had brand new wheels/rims installed. They had verbally said on numerous occasions they would include in the overall purchase of the vehicle the factory rims/tires that they had removed when they placed the new ones on. The vehicle only had 8k miles on it.

I had made numerous attempts after the purchase of the vehicle to arange delivery of the tires to my residence and was always given some sort of excuse. I would say in the neighborhood of 4 or 5 calls and stoppin in one or two times to resolve this issue.

I stopped in today, 8 months post sale remind you, and was told after some excuses that the tires/rims were no longer there. They tried to say they had a robbery w/ numerous sets of tires stolen and they were in that group. I asked about a police report to confirm this and they said that the 6 or so sets of tires/rims stolen didn't cover their extremely high deductible.

They then came back with two things. 1) That they didn't have the 'financial means' to buy me the factory rims/tires and that they would not do that. They were willing however to give me factory rims/tires of the next Titan they bought as they normally place new rims/tires on their vehicles.
2) They also brought up that I had signed a "We Owe" document stating nothing owed. Looking back at this form I was under the impression it was 'nothing owed' from a financial standpoint on my end to them. My concern is they will try to use this to say they do not have to produce the tires due to this document.

Ultimately, I feel they are making up the burglary story and just sold the property I was promised at a profit to someone there. Is this something I have a valid argument for in taking to small claims court or would I be out of luck? I am willing to answer any add'l questions if anyone responds and wants to know more.

Thanks again,
They SUCK. Me personally, I would make up a flier and a placard and hand it out to every single car that got in the turn lane to come onto their lot. The flier would say: Look out, they will promise you the world and renege. I'll bet you don't get to flier number 50 and you will have rims waiting on you at home. Good luck.
Yes, they do redefine the 'SUCK' factor for me. I am going to give them a chance to reply to an email I sent earlier this afternoon, but if nothing transpires soon I am going to speak w/ a lawyer to see where I stand. If nothing else I will just start handing out fliers to people like you said. I am sure that would have a 'positive' affect on their image...
I didn't mean you couldn't sue, you certainly can. I just prefer the direct method. Do you have any specific questions about how to go about it?
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