Assault & Battery Verbal Assault and self-defense

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I have recently been in a rather complicated situation with an ex-girlfriend of mine, whom I still hold very dear to my heart, but is currently dating another guy. She decided to let him talk to me through her Yahoo! IM account last night, because she didn't feel like talking to me. This boyfriend is only a few weeks new.

What ensued was a very heated exchange of the two of us insulting each other and making threats to each other. It started out with him saying something like "Shut up! Now I'm going to go eat her out, got that you little shit?" and all sorts of other vulgar little comments intended to goad me on.

At that comment, I just lost my temper, and started telling this guy to leave her alone, repeatedly, in no nice terms whatsoever, and to never touch her again. And yes...I did threaten him with physical harm more than once, in saying those things.

Do Internet threats like this, which are made practically daily between teens through online games these days anyways, actually get taken seriously as verbal assault?

Mainly, what I want to know is, do courts take into account the receiving end goading the accused into the threats? Because he was actively goading me on and trying to get me into an emotional rage. Maybe I'm just holding out desperate hopes, but it isn't right that I can get in trouble when his goal was to get me to threaten him. He is LOOKING for a fight with me.

Basically, her parents have told me in no uncertain terms that they plan to contact the police in their town and in my town, because I am flying up to her in less than a week, just to be there as a friend. And they seem to be afraid that I will cause somebody harm, mainly him or myself. They told me this in response to my blog post, where I had also mentioned that I will not give him a chance if he happens to hurt her. Yes, I am over-protective of her.

I have since posted a responding blog post, explaining that I don't really mean to carry out any of these threats, and that I was just spouting some steam, so to speak. I offered to talk to these people over the phone like adults, because that is how people *should* carry things out. I have received no response to this yet, but it bothers me that me spouting steam into the empty air can lead to consequences like this. I am not the sort of person who would willingly bring harm to another human being, unless I had to defend myself.

I live in Texas, and she and her current boyfriend live in Oklahoma, and I am flying up within the next week to visit her, because I haven't seen her in far too long.

I'm not sure what sort of help I am trying to get here, but I'm mostly wondering if I could actually get charged with something for all this? Even considering that I since have posted something online explaining that I don't really mean the threats?

Also, I find myself predicting that he will attack me first. The shit that he has been talking to me leads me to believe that he has been looking for a fight with me, and I'm afraid he may actually try. If he were to throw the first blow, and I reacted in self-defense to this attack...considering the threats that I have made to him, what would possibly happen to me? Who would come out with a legal victory in that situation?

Even better, what if I didn't even defend myself against him? How would these threats be considered in court, with me charging him with assault?

I think it should be mentioned that this guy is still just barely underage, at 17 years old. That would probably make it hard to defend my case, I imagine, but I also don't plan to actually carry out any threats. I was just letting off steam, and my ex isn't at all worried about this, because she knows that. The problem is that her parents are trying to butt in where they don't have business, especially since she is 18.
I would not fly to see her, sounds like she does not want you to anyways. Another thing is that at 17 or 18 the chances of you guys being together in 10 years are slim anyways. Why take the chance of something happening and having a criminal record, or worse something very bad going wrong in a heated argument between young adults( who sometimes do not use their beast judgment in arguments) could turn into something alot worse, like serious injuries and and things that might happen that you cant take back. STAY AWAY AND DO NOT POST ANYMORE THREATS TO OR ABOUT HIM!:)
North carolina just passed a law, that says after three harassments . Telephone or other wise, you can be charged with stalking. Control your emotions. Think about those jail doors!
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