Verbal agreement for money borrowed

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New Member
I lent a guy I was dating $2500 to pay on his truck. I have the receipt from Western Union showing I paid for his truck as well as my bank statement showing the withdrawal of the money I used to pay it. We made a verbal agreement that he would pay me back. We eventually split up and 9 months later he's only paid me back $400. A few weeks ago he did not have money for me and he suggested if I could just hold off for 2 weeks until he got paid again, he would start giving me $200 towards his balance every 2 weeks when he got paid. I got the first installment of $200 on 5/5 and now he says he can't give me $200 this week. He said that he said he would only pay me what he could and not $200 every 2 weeks. I also have copies of the 2 checks he wrote to me for payment where he has written the previous balance minus the payment ='s the new balance.

Do I have a chance to get the rest of my money back plus expenses if I sue him in small claims court? My concern is that it was only a verbal contract, however I have all the documentation showing what he owes. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Sure you can sue him. It is worth a try. It seems to me this is a loan since he did make a couple payments. Filing in small claims is cheap and often can be done online.

I am not sure what expenses you are out by loaning him money but you can't collect interest unless there was an agreement in place allowing it.
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