Verbal Agreement- Back Rent

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New Member
I moved into an apartment in Florida with my girlfriend a year and a half ago. I was the only one on the lease because she had yet moved to where the apartment was. We had a verbal agreement that she would pay X amount per month for rent. This happened for a year before she no longer had the money to pay rent. She assured me that the 4 months rent she owed would be paid when she got her student loan, then we broke up and she moved out.

She is now refusing to pay what she owes me. She paid by check for rent the year preceding.

Do I have any legal standing whatsoever? I was thinking of going to small claims court but have been told that it would be thrown out.
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Verbal agreements are enforceable. The trick is proving in court that you had such an agreement.

To your benefit you do have evidence that, at least until she ran out of money, she was paying her share of the rent. This would imply that there was some type of agreement regarding the sharing of rent.

I have bank records of every check shes written to me, many of which say "rent" for the last year. Would any of this hold up in a Florida court specifically?
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