Consumer Law, Warranties vehicle sale problems

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New Member
I agreed to sell my vehicle private party here in Nevada. I sold for 1,100 less of my original asking price. I sent pictures and had maintenance done before the sale. I had advised that the vehicle had a leak and I told the buyer a new thermostat was put in it. On his long trip home The car breaks down. The car is 10 years old it is out of warranty. I handed him the title he handed me cash there was no gurantee or warranty or anything else written or done he did a vehicle inspection and took it as is. Now he is threatning me to pay him for the repairs I only agreed to pay him his over night hotel stay while the vehicle was being repaired. He wanted me to pay the parts for the repairs i never agreed with him to pay the parts for the repairs I only told him with an eyewitness that we will discuss it later. Since then he has been sending me emails saying he is goin to file a complaint with the police and tell my employer i am doing fraudlent dealings with my work uniform i had just gotten off work to do the sale. I sent him a money order for the hotel. I recently asked him for a reciept of the repairs he refues to send it to me unless i pay the amount he is asking for which again i never agreed to. What do i do? he is threatning to file a complaint with the police, call my employer, and call my parents who are the orignal owners of the vehicle.
If you and the buyer specifically agreed he bought it as is, tell him to get lost. He can file a complaint with whomever he wishes, whatever. Anybody with any sense will laugh at him. You've done absolutely nothing wrong. Selling something while wearing your work uniform is not against the law. Don't bother asking for receipts for hotels, repairs, etc. - you are under no obligation to pay them, and I suggest it will only encourage him to soak you for more.
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