Utility pole broke and totaled my car

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New Member
I had my 1992 buick parked in front of the library here in S Wisconsin. A rotten tree fell from across the street, about 20 in front of my vehicle and struck the power lines on my side of the street, snapping two utility poles in half and sending the top half of one with a transformer attached onto the roof and back half of my car and totalling it. I have no comprehensive insuurance.

The tree owners argue they're not responsible. The village says they're not responsible and the same with the utility company.

If I hit a electric pole and break it I get the bill.

I want to get the blue book value for my car, but don't know where to start. The local attorney here (VERY small town) also works for the village so there's no help there.

I need help on who to file against in small claims court!
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