Usenet Abuse

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New Member
Dear Sirs

I feel I must get some common sense advice from somewhere. I do understand there is a difference between general "flaming" that occurs on unmoderated groups, such as the Usenet ones, and the a total psychopath that stoops to any level in order to cause emotional and spiritual harm to others.

My question is rather simple, but I should at least explain why I would like this Psychopath's server to strike him off.

I will call him a psychopath, because he really does show all the traits. For two years, and until this member had to leave, he has been systematically destroying a fellow group member. The Psycho found out some personal details about this man, for example, he has a two year old son. Everyday, five or six times, the Psycho will ask if I have been walking my friend's dog today.

This sound trivial perhaps. Last year the Psycho posted a jpeg image of this man having his throat cut, and a dog next to him, with this man's son's name written over the dog.
This man has been close to an emotional breakdown, because the warfare against him is too digusting for a society that wishes to have the psychopaths brought to justice.

As the Psycho knows this man to be my friend I am now number one target, with the normal "have you walked your friends' dog" today?", and anything else that he can do to hurt.

This highlights one method of warfare against , not only the group I frequent, but most other usenet groups too. He ahs been up to this for about ten years, changing his name perioducally. Everyone would like this man brought to justice. And today I am writing you for advice.

I have written to his server, but they won't get involved. Can I get a simple court order against this psycho, where his server has to comply and have him struck off?
I have retained the vile jpeg image, as well as many posts where this psycho picks on whoever he can, whilst trying to assert he is the good person, and we are just no life trolls that deserve no opinion and are OWNED by him.

I realize that Usenet has not got the most favourable of reputation. However, I still see the line between reputation and downright illegal warfare against individuals. To my uneducated mind it is Abuse and Harrassment. Surely what applies in real life is beginning to apply on the intenret too?

This does not include this Psycho calling people's wives "holes" and "whores" and heroin addicts" etc etc.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

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