Used Car Broke Down After 3 Days

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New Member
I need to know if there is anything I can do about a car dealership that sold me a 2002 Sierra Pick-Up that broke down 3 days later. I was told it had been checked out by their mechanics and was found to be good. A link in the rear end broke-causing my son to lose control of the vehicle. Thank God-he wasn't hurt.The mechanics said that the vehicle was unfit to be driven at all, and can't understand how a dealer would be allowed to sale such a unsafe vehicle. It costed 1,995 to fix the problem. The dealer says they don't have to pay any because the truck was sold "as is". I am in Oklahoma. I found other states have an implied warranty of merchantibility--but I don't know if Ok does or not.I have filed a complaint with the BBB and the attorney generals office.The BBB has given them until Feb.26,2008 to answer. I don't think any place should able to sale such a dangerous vechicle. My son could have been killed. All I asked the dealer to do was pay the mechanics bill. They flatly refused any help. What can I do?
Q: What can I do?

A: The dealer says they don't have to pay any because the truck was sold "as is".
As is normally means as is. A used car offers the buyer very little protection. Unles you can prove this truck was falsely misrepresented, you probably dont have a case. Most states do not have a use car lemon law but you can try googling yours. You can certainly file a BBB complaint and sue them for damages, and let a judge decide if they owe you.
Often the laws for used cars are connected with the inspection sticker requirements for the state. State safety inspections are required on all cars (at varying intervals, depending on the state), and can cover parts including lights, brakes, windshield wipers, tires, horns, windows, and seat belts. If the car fails a safety inspection within a certain period of time of the purchase of the car, and if the repairs exceed a stated percentage of the purchase price of the car (again, these vary by state), you may be able to cancel the purchase of the car and receive a full refund.

There are some states that define their Lemon Laws for used cars the same way they do for new cars, so that even if your car passes inspection, if it has met the qualifications, you can cancel the sale.
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