Unsafe Lane Change

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New Member
Received a ticket today for unsafe lane change. I moved into the left lane (signaling) because i was being tailgated by someone, when i moved over to the left lane the guy passed me and gave me a thumbs up (as in being a wise ass and thanking me for getting into the other lane). I was then following a car doing 45 in a 55. I downshifted into 3rd moved into the right lane (signaling) with easily a car length if not more inbetween the car behind me. Passed the cars then moved back into the middle lane (signaling) to allow traffic to merge onto the right lane. A cop Puts hes lights on nearly 5 cars behind me crossing over a solid white line for a onramp that makes the highway 3 lanes. He than turned hes lights off then came behind me, then in another half a mile turned his lights on pulled me over saying that i was making very unsafe lane changes and people were giving me a thumbs up when i did it. then proceeded to give me a ticket... This is in NJ I dont know how to fight it, if i can or if its worth it and i am also 19. I have no points on my license. Thanks a head of time.
It is illegal to pass on the right on multilane divided highways in some areas, check your local regulations.

Your NIMSO350Z handle explains the rest of it:)

A lawyer can minimize the damages and will probably save you significant insurance money in the long run.
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