Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Unlawful Underage Possesion and Consumption of Alcohol - North Carolina

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New Member
I am 18 years of age, and was recently written a citation for "unlawfully and willfully consuming an alcoholic beverage while being less than 19 years of age" in Greensboro, NC. I must appear in court on May 11th 2009. Greensboro is exactly 6 hours from my home. This is my first offense ever.
Is this a misdemeanor? Will it go on my record? I am looking for someone who knows and understands the laws pertaining to my charge. I have already called the magistrates office in Greensboro, and the woman I talked with said that it might be a misdemeanor or it might not be, it could go on my record or it might not; I ended up more confused then when I called. It's difficult for me to come up with the appropriate funds for an attorney, but should I be represented by one when I go to court? Any other information anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated.
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