Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication unlawful possession of alcohol new york

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Hi, I'm a 20 year old male recently ticketed for unlawful possession of alcohol, open container, and littering. I was outside of a party, holding a beer, when the cops pulled up outside of the party. I placed the beer on the ground next to me and began walking away. The cops then ran after me, and grabbed me. They then said "if you're going to be a dick about this, we're gonna write you up for everything we can." I did not resist arrest in any way. Upon placing me on the hood of the car they searched my pockets and took out my wallet. Is this search legal, for what reasonable cause would they have to search me? I did not give them permission. Also, is there any way that I can get any of the tickets reduced? I have never been in any trouble with the police. Please respond if you know.
since you where detained they did have the right to search you. You may be able to plead your case to a judge and get some guidance. talking to a lawyer and getting advice may be a good idea.
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