Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication unknowingly serving minors

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: new york

I had a party at my parents house so we all hired a bar tender to make it more enjoyable. I am 21 years old and have a few friends who are underage. I assured my parents that all the kids at the party were of age. Two of my friends had a drink from the bar, and since my parents believed they were of age the bar tender did not question their age as she usually does. Later when my parents had gone to sleep, they locked up the house that contained the bar with the alcohol and said that we could use the guest house, to sleep in and be loud in. The minors had brought alcohol with them without my knowledge and shared it amongst the rest of my friends. later on that night one of the of age friends broke into the area, breaking a window and stole some alcohol. My parents want to press charges against this friend but my friend is threatening to accuse my parents of serving alcohol to minors. Is it worth pressing charges against my friend for breaking in and stealing? Am I the one at fault or are my parents the one who is at fault? Is it my parents fault that the kid was drunk off of our liquor and on our property while invited there and he broke the window?
You better pay your parents the damages and move on-- you knew these people were underage the person could sue you and them -- not worth it-- I would talk to your parents and start to pay them back ASAP-
I'd say just sort it out with your family internally, it was your party...
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