Unjust eviction

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My question involves an eviction in the state of Wisconsin.
I'm being evicted from my home of 15 years by my daughterinlaw. I am 1 1/2 months behind rent and had a previous agreement with my son inlaw to pay bi weekly until caught up. His wife does not want to wait and has told him I move out or she leaves him, so I was given a 5 day pay or vacate notice. She doesn't care that I paid for central air to be installed on both halves of the duplex, paid for a new water heater, paid for a new heating system, and other numerous repairs and fixtures. These things were done by me with promise of repayment or installation of new carpet, flooring, bath and kitchen remodeling that have yet to be done. Also the basement walls have partially caved in to the point of water running into the basement bedroom and bath rendering them unusable. This happened this year due to excessive rains and FEMA came by to look but was unable to do anything other than cleaning supplys since it is not my property. The walls in the basement have moved in 14" and are now 1" away from the gas pipe. They say they can't afford the repairs. I don't have the money to move right now, what should I do. John H Menasha, WI
Your daughter in law cannot formally evict you. Only the courts can do that. What she has provided you with is a "Pay or Vacate" notice. If you ignore this her next step is to file against you for the actual eviction.

You can, of course, file against them for the money you've spent on the repairs but I'm not sure you'd like to do that. Is this your daughter and son in law or daughter in law and son?

Frankly, perhaps you just need to stay and let her leave her husband. I'm betting she won't.

It's my daughter in law and son. She feels she can get much more revenue from new tenants and looks down on us because we are "only blue collar" as she puts it. We put our children above our selves and sacrificed to assure all 4 when to college (we are still making payments for). Our son knows this but his wife is very domineering. I'm not complaining, we are happy that our children will have better lives. I don't think we would be as happy living the so called good life. They make a nice 6 figure income (we make about half) and yet their spending habits make them rely on their rentals. By us making repairs and improving the rental we thought it was helping them out, but it seems it only enabled them to aquire more debt.I intend to make a stand, we have in good faith helped to make this a decent home in offering " we'll do this and you"ll do that" but it appears the she would rather have cash and leave my son. I'll call her bluff tomorrow the 5 day is up and if a small claims appearance is forth coming so be it. She was told that any repairs or upgrades done by tenants authourized or not are part of the property and are not required to be compensated. I'm not sure what sources she has but I'm pretty sure they are wrong. There was a time when family was family, for the good or the bad. Times have sure changed. Thank You for your time.
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