My husband was arrested a few days ago and charged with running a red light and possesion of crack cocaine. He was driving down a street in Albany, looking for a bar. It was a hot evening, he had the windows down and, foolishly the doors unlocked. A girl jumped into the passengers seat, screamed her name and "they're after me!", so he thought she was being raped or chased by a gang. He rolled the red light and immediately a cop car turned on their lights. He thought "Good, they will help her and immediately pulled over, and exited the car as the officer told him to. As the girl exited the passenger side she threw some bags of cocaine down on the passenger's side floor and the middle console. The police officers called her by name, leading him to believe she had had other run ins with the law. He was calm and compliant with the officers, told them the story, even told them to test him for alcohol or drugs in his system, which they said was not necessary. His bail was set at $250 and they even told me as I bailed him out that $200 was fine. We understand the girl's story is that they are good friends and that all of the drugs were his. WHere do we go from here? He is in college for pre-med and cannot have this on his record.
Can anybody offer some suggestions? We have no money so he is going to the public defender, but is afraid they are going to want him to cop a plea for something he did not do
Can anybody offer some suggestions? We have no money so he is going to the public defender, but is afraid they are going to want him to cop a plea for something he did not do