Understand easement


New Member
I'm writing concerning an easement I have with a neighbor. There is a space between our houses that can just accommodate a car or small truck and a driveway was put in before I bought the house. A month before I bought the house, the owners registered an easement that grants me use of the driveway space that is on the side of the other house. It also stipulates no more than 30 minutes of parking by me. Neither space-their side or my side is sufficient to park, but the spaces together are. Their estate is the grantor and mine is the grantee. Recently, there has been some tension about me parking in that space. As I understand it, I, as the grantee, have the right to park in their side of the driveway, but their granting this right to me did not give them the right to park on my side/property without my permission. If you can, please clarify this situation. Thank you.
Sorry, can't really comment without seeing the entire document. Upload it if you like. Be sure to redact any identifying information.

It would also help to see a photo of the position of the driveway. Mark the property line.