Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication underage smoking

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New Member
:confused: I know that there are laws about underage buy cigeretts but what about underage and smoking either inside someone's home or outside of their home. Can the person get into trouble for allowing these kids to be smoking on their property. My in-laws has four grandchildren all under the age of 17 that smoke. They smoke inside the house and also outside in front of the house. I thought that you can be fined for allowing an underage person to smoke. They do have the parents permission to smoke but what if the parents aren't around. This is causing a big fight in the family because nobody knows what we can do to get them to stop.

Beth Martin
bethm said:
:confused: I know that there are laws about underage buy cigeretts but what about underage and smoking either inside someone's home or outside of their home. Can the person get into trouble for allowing these kids to be smoking on their property. My in-laws has four grandchildren all under the age of 17 that smoke. They smoke inside the house and also outside in front of the house. I thought that you can be fined for allowing an underage person to smoke. They do have the parents permission to smoke but what if the parents aren't around. This is causing a big fight in the family because nobody knows what we can do to get them to stop.
I don't know what state you are in. There are laws in many states that deal with a minor's illegal possession of tobacco. If the law says something is illegal and a controlled substance then it goes without saying that there will be punishments on those who violate it. At the most basic level, I can see the permission of parents to be possibly within the charge of "contributing to the delinquency of a minor." Regardless, who will pay the fines that will be assessed if they are arrested? It sure won't be the minors... Good luck with the children. It can be so difficult to raise them these days...
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