Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication underage possesion in MARYLAND

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New Member
got a ticket for underage possesion and was supposed to go to court on the 21st...which i failed to do :) just wondering what happens now since i didnt there a warrant out for me in maryland and if there is how long does this warrant last is it lifetime or only a few months...if only a few months i'll avoid the damn state if not i'll have to clear things up
JohnsonIsWrong said:
got a ticket for underage possesion and was supposed to go to court on the 21st...which i failed to do :) just wondering what happens now since i didnt there a warrant out for me in maryland and if there is how long does this warrant last is it lifetime or only a few months...if only a few months i'll avoid the damn state if not i'll have to clear things up
This is perhaps the biggest mistake people make. I never understand how people think that the court and law enforcement is spinning its wheels if the violator could make it all just go away by ignoring it. The longer you wait, the more trouble you'll have to deal with. And it will get a lot worse if there are warrants out for your arrest. Dealing with it is the best thing you can do and making a joke out of it is not a good idea, especially in court. Nobody (especially not a DA or judge) likes to feel that their time and efforts aren't being appreciated.
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